Sunday 1 April 2012



Back in civilisation again, we stopped in Ceduna for 2 nights in what was supposed to be a quiet caravan park.  We spotted a patch of green grass and parked up.  Sitting out on the soft grass was a real treat.  Kirsty & Jade needed to finish a few assignments for school over the internet before the Easter holidays.  Ceduna is like a small Central Station, constant traffic coming & going.  It seemed, as soon as the sun set, Ceduna came alive!  Planes flew in on the left & trains came roaring through on the right!  Needless to say we didn’t get much sleep both nights.  Stocked up with supplies to slowly cross the Nullarbor and stopped at Cactus Beach.  Just one night there as the flies were fierce!  We quickly moved on to Fowlers Bay.  The caravan park is opposite the bay. Just a little village with less flies, we were all happy.

Kirsty drew this for an Art Assignment, pretty cool.



We nick named these cute little lizards,” Zackary Lizards”. (When their head looks zackary like their ass.)


Cactus Beach is a local surfing spot.  Pretty secluded point.  Pity about the flies.


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