Monday 30 April 2012



26/04/12  Sadly, we packed up & headed for Donnybrook.  Home of the Granny Smith Apple.  The girls nearly wet their pants when they saw Apples playground.  About 1 acre full of equipment, fully fenced, it was pretty impressive!


After 9 weeks travelling together, we said our goodbyes & parted ways.  It was sad, but it feels like we are setting off on a new journey again. 

Driving up to Perth was like driving from home to the Gold Coast.  Busy busy busy!  This place is booming!  Mandurah was really nice.  New housing estates along the foreshore.  It was difficult finding accommodation in Perth, but we pleaded with the lady to put us in the overflow.  Finally, we have some humidity!

On Saturday night, we caught up with Leigh & Pete at their house warming party.  We had a good time.  House is lovely, but it poured rain all night.   Pete had to empty the pool twice while we were there. Everybody else we were catching up with is out of Perth.

On Sunday we drove into Fremantle, walked along the wharf & went into the Museum where the remains of the shipwreck, Batavia, are on show. It was really interesting and the girls even saw a human skeleton.  On the ship they recovered over 130 bricks, & after putting the pieces together, they realised it was a portico.  They were only able to retrieve a tiny part of the bottom half of the starboard.  There is a book about the “Batavia” which is really interesting.


We headed along the coast road passing through Cottesloe up to Scarborough.  We are going north on Tuesday as it is way to expensive to stay in Perth.

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