Monday 2 April 2012



We were quite excited about travelling the Nullarbor.  Loads of road trains carrying anything from fuel to train engines.  We had to move off the road a few times.  With a tail wind behind us, the land was straight and flat as far as the eye could see.  Our first stop was the Head of the Bight.  It was a spectacular view.



Our first night on the Nullarbor.  Nullarbor meaning treeless plain.  Don’t go to close to the edge!


1/04/12  Today we did the most klms ever.  We left SA and entered our next state of Western Australia.  The fuel was $1.99.  The road kill was plentiful.  We drove pass a fresh kangaroo with crows feeding off it & as we were almost level, a Wedge tail Eagle spread his wings & caught our wind as we passed him.  He would have been a metre tall.  There were some new species of trees too.  Panties Tree, Bra Tree and the old Boot Tree just to make the drive a little less boring.  We were happy & had lunch at a blow hole which blows cold wind , it was pretty amazing to see.


We still had 200klms to go till we stopped for the night.  It was getting very boring by this stage & we were over the drive!  We stopped at Balladonia(which is just a roadhouse) and asked about a short cut down to Esperance which would cut over 170kms off our drive, but it wasn’t possible.  We were spewing, knowing we had to drive another 400klms tomorrow.



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