Thursday 26 April 2012



This area is a really nice part of Australia.  It seems to be made up of 2 things – National Parks & Wineries!  The Karri trees(very similar to a gum) have a thick girth & are up to 80meters tall.  They line both sides of the road in some places, which is a little intimidating.  We went to Cape Leeuwin, where the Southern ocean meets the Indian ocean.  Camped beside a river, and for the first time since Tassie, we were able to have a fire.  The temperature has dropped this last week, we can’t wait to head north.


Driving into Margaret River, it was buzzing with tourists.  This is the busiest town we have been in for a while!  As there was no free camp(again),  the cheapest accommodation was a farm stay 9klms from town.  You should have seen the girls faces when the owner said they could bottle feed the baby lamb!


We drove out to the coast and the little villages, made up of old fishing shacks are slowly being renovated into flash mansions with awesome ocean views.  There are massive houses along the river too.  On Sunday, we were tourists for a day and did the tourist thing.  No.1 – Animal Farm.  Girls wanted to take the bunny rabbits home!  No. 2 – Cheese Factory.  Yum Yum.  No.3 – Silk Farm. Saw the silk worms.  No.4 – Chocolate Factory.  Walked in the door & it was like walking into Central Station!  We sniffed out the free samples & got out of there!  It was a busy day and we blew our budget.  Wineries - tomorrow.

23/04/12 Mike checked out the surf early, but didn’t go in!


Mike & I had the afternoon to ourselves, so we decided to visit a couple of wineries around the area.  This one was very extravagant.


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