Monday 26 December 2011

X-mas Day 2011

We crossed fingers & headed off in search of a nice camp.  Being X-mas Eve we were very lucky to find a spot on the beach at Mayfield Bay just south of Swansea.  The people here are very friendly & have been coming here for years, so they all know each other(we felt like we were intruding). There are 2 bridges here that were built by the convicts in 1845 that are still standing.

Girls woke early to open presents & eat chocolate.  It was a beautiful day so we went for a walk along the beach.  We could see swirls in the water & fished for some calamari.  The sun is scorching & we have all gone a shade darker.  Caught 7 calamari! I was amazed that we were the only people on the beach all morning. It was our own deserted island!  Kirsty & Jade learnt how to clean a calamari. We pan fried some & also crumbed rings. Yummo!

By the afternoon it was raining again & Mike being so clever, has set up a funnel to catch the water to fill our tanks.  It works a treat. Boxing Day was very relaxing.  All we did was sit & read our books.  The camp has been invaded with more relatives so we have decided to head to Hobart tomorrow.



That’s Mike up to his waist.  Water is crystal clear.



This is calamari. Range from 30 to 40cm long. Hundreds of them in the bay at the moment.


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