Wednesday 21 December 2011

Bay of Fires – Tas


We decided to move on partly because it was windy but Mike could see no fish life what so ever!  Not even little bait fish.  So off we went south to St Helens.  The roads are so narrow its hard to believe we are on the highway. We stopped at Pyengana cheese factory for a taste.  We would have only passed 20 cars.  It is very quiet for a highway.

Bought more supplies, filled up with water and found a great spot, protected from the wind and very close to the beach.  Dora Point just near Binalong Bay.  Because it has been blowing northerly there are hundreds of blue bottles & seaweed.  We walked up the river mouth & around into a little bay where the was poddy mullet (which Mike was excited about), netted some & tried to catch a fish.  There is no fish here, probably because of the weed & wind.  We woke up Monday morning with pouring rain & cyclonic winds, so we stayed in bed, hooked up a DVD & drank coffee all morning. Thank God we are in a Caravan.  By 2pm the rain had past, the sun was out & it was hot!  So we went for a swim!

Up early on Tuesday to explore the Bay of Fires.  The white shelly sand & beautiful colour of the water is amazing. The smooth grey boulders with a splash of orange across them are pretty awesome to.


View from our campground.





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