Friday 23 December 2011



Up at six, packed a picnic lunch, locked Digs in the caravan and headed to the Freycinet Nat Park.  We decided to walk the Wineglass Bay & Hazard Beach Track (11klms – 5hrs) round trip.  Set off at 9, and half an hour later the girls had cracked it! It was quite a steep rocky climb nothing the girls had ever done before. It took a lot of encouraging to keep them going! Lots of smooth looking big boulders & rocks. I thought the park was quiet dry.  Reached Wineglass Bay Lookout & it is an amazing view. Our photos don’t do it justice.  We headed back down the mountain to Wineglass beach.  The girls hunted around the rocks finding starfish of all colours & sizes. After more encouragement we went on passing little wallabies & blue tongue lizards. We reached the car park in only 4 hours!  It was a great achievement for all. Spectacular scenery from Cape Tourville Lookout as well.





This is Diamond Is at Bicheno.  You can walk out on low tide. Penguins live all around here.  But we didn't see any.

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