Wednesday 25 January 2012



Did you know that the Great Ocean Road was built by Diggers, on behalf of their fallen comrades after World War 1.  We are only half way along this spectacular drive and we would have to agree that it is one of the most scenic.  After arriving back in Melbourne, we drove through Geelong to a caravan park almost at Torquay.  We did notice how flat it was, after driving around Tassie.  The next 2 days were 40`c.  Hot!  In one week we had experienced temperatures from 0`c to 40`c. Crazy!

Torquay was overloaded with surf shops & tourists. We enjoyed the surf museum & had a swim near Bells Beach.


Anglesea is also a nice little town which consists of boutique shops & cafes.  It was like peak time in Hastings St & very expensive.  Holidays not a good time to visit.  Lorne was much the same.  We finally stopped at Apollo Bay.  Cheapest park was $40 non-powered!  Mike payed $6.20 for 2lts of milk.  Tourists just getting ripped off!  Jade had a great surf.  Mike had a fish, but no luck.  Stayed 2 nights here & headed to Johanna. 

Some of the beautiful scenery we are experiencing.



Johanna was named after a ship that was shipwrecked here in the 1840’s.   Travelling along here we can understand how quickly the weather situation changes.  Johanna is one of the nicest free camps we have been to.  Gentle slopping grassy paddocks just behind the sand dunes.  There are March flies & they bite, so the fly swatters have been getting a work out!(thanks mum & dad).  But sadly, still no fish.  Mike has been surfing.  The ocean is quit treacherous.  We set up our Annexe for the first time and its great.



This is Johanna Beach.

We went for a drive to the Otway Lighthouse and on the way in there was that many Koala’s sitting in the gum trees, some really low we could almost touch them. It was amazing. 


Girls having fun playing games in these rock pools on Johanna beach.  We also bath in them.


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