Wednesday 4 January 2012



Back in the car again, we discovered another beautiful spot called Remarkable Cave.  We had to walk 20 meters down to get to the cave.  Again the water had eaten a hole right through.  We only have a video of it, but it is like a tunnel.  The rugged coast line is very photogenic. It really was remarkable.



The Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park was a stop along the way to.  The Devils are really quit vicious towards each other.  They are meat eaters & have jaws more powerful than a shark. The males eat there babies too!  It is only a tiny place owned by one family, all located in natural bushland.  There were 3 babies, so we were lucky.  Probably a little over priced we thought, but we had to see them.



This eagle was huge.  But all the animals in the cages looked sad.  All the birds were injured at some point in there lives & so they came here.

Next was the Coal Mines Historic Site which was 30klms walk from Port Arthur.  All the bad convicts were sent here to dig for coal & it was the worst punishment of all.  Because of fires, there is just remains left,  but the underground solitary confinement cells were still in tact & we were able to walk into them.  The girls didn't want to after the ghost tour last night.  Again lots of interesting history.  This is one cell. Like an arch.  Only about one metre wide.



Ruins of the little settlement.

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