Monday 23 July 2012



Our speed ranges from 5 to 55klms an hour depending on the road surface.  It’s mainly very rocky gravel after Mt Elizabeth so it’s very slow travelling towing the van.  People fly passed us covering us in dust, lucky we haven’t been hit by any rocks.  The Gibb doesn’t seem that busy, but by the end of the day the campsites are full.

Where’s the road?




Our longest day yet! 100klms in 4 hrs. from Ellenbrae Station to Home Valley Station.  As we came to the top of a rise to head down to Home Valley Station the scenery was spectacular. As we entered the station, the girls got very excited seeing a pool, playground, horses and GREEN GRASS.  Mike & I saw the grass was crammed full of campers & immediately thought we’re not staying here.  To our delight they had another camp 4klms from the homestead on the Pentacost River. The Girls screamed & cried, the biggest performance of the trip.  We have the best site overlooking the breathtaking Cockburn Ranges, they look amazing at sunset & sunrise.



Saltwater crocs inhabit this area, we have seen a few.  16/07/12  Mike launched the boat, he went up river for the day while I took the girls back to the pool to play.  4pm we see Mike zooming back.  He was stuck up river until the tide came in again.  He caught 6 Barramundi but only allowed to keep 2.  81cm & 76cm.



Went fishing the next day and I caught a 84cm Barra!  They put up a fight, jumping out of the water, it was great fun.  Our freezer is now full of Barramundi.


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