Monday 25 June 2012



What is that noise?  It’s an aeroplane!  We haven’t seen or heard planes since we left Perth.  Plenty of room at Cable Beach caravan park, 500 sites, it’s huge. With a constant flow of vans coming and going, by the end of the day, the park is full.  Built around the airport & prison, Broome is a mini Noosa.  Trendy cafes, a wide range of accommodation from 5star Resorts to backpackers,  palm trees & evergreen frangipanis, it has that island feel about it.  Especially watching the sunset over Cable Beach.


Only at low tide, you can scale down the rocks and find dinosaur footprints.  This is a Theropod(46cm long).


When in Broome the thing to do, is a camel ride along Cable Beach at sunset.



We packed our tent, water and food, put our van in storage and headed north to a camp called Middle Lagoon.  180klms from Broome, with red sandy corrugated road, it took 2&1/2 hours of vigorous massaging before we arrived. 


Set up our tent and it felt like we were on holidays(just missing people).  We drove up to Cape Leveque for a day. As usual, gust was up, pelting us with red sand, otherwise it was a beautiful spot.


You can stay in these grass huts for $70 a night. 3 sides, a roof, picnic table & a cement floor shower in one corner,  looking straight at the ocean, very basic but worth it!


24/06/12  Packed up the tent and stopped in Beagle Bay to have a look at a Church decorated with pearl shells which was really pretty.  We knew we were getting low on fuel, but when the red light came on with 90klms of rough road left, we thought we would not make it back to Broome.  Luckily, they had graded the road.  We rolled into the petrol station, with only 1&1/2 litres of fuel left in our tank!

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