Saturday 4 February 2012



Warrnambool is the end of the ocean road and we were excited to see loads of shops.  It is a nice town with the main streets lined with thick old pine trees.  We stayed in a caravan park. Opposite, was an unreal park full of fantastic play equipment for all ages.


We pushed on and had a look around Port Fairy which is a lovely little town with lots of old buildings.  Griffiths Island is home for a large number of short tailed shearwater birds.  We saw dead ones. We don’t know why they were dead.  Our final stop for Victoria was at the Fitzroy River Mouth.  We found a good spot and set up camp.  10 mins later another family turned up.  Almost as old as us, they had 2 little kids and we had a great 2 days with them.  Jo is a singer/songwriter, so she played us a few of her songs.


We didn’t think a lot of Portland but Cape Bridgewater had a great surfing beach & the blow holes were really scenic.



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