Wednesday 15 February 2012



Sunday 13th Feb we cruised up the beach to the mouth again, and fished.  We all caught bait fish with the bait jig but no other fish were biting. 


 Michael (the keen fisherman that he is), travelled back up the beach late in the afternoon for an all nighter.  He has been told many stories of men catching huge Jew and he wanted one.  The only problem is Mike’s keen, but he’s not crazy!!  These fisherman walk out into the mouth fully dressed with an inflatable life jacket, fishing gear strapped to them, gaff, bait etc. They are sometimes neck deep.  Only allowed 2 Jew and most of them have been attacked by a shark as they are reeling them in.  Mike had to do surgery to one man who while he was deep in the ocean tried to get fish off his lure and put it through his finger.  Mike had to bend the barb with plyers and the guy ripped it out.  Lucky for us he was nice enough to give Mike one of his two Jew(the smallest one, with half his body gone) but at least we have A fish to eat! This guy has been swept away many times but he says he just floats down about 3kls & swims in to Goolwa beach!!  Once would be enough to put you off I reckon!


The men stand 200mts out in the waves.

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