Wednesday 19 September 2012



Who’s idea was it to travel the Savannah Way? 510klms to Borroloola. The 3 D’s, Dry, Dust & Dirt!  Probably has to do with this time of year. 

Just before we started on the Savannah Way, we stocked our cupboards as we knew there were no towns for a while and stopped in at Mataranka.  Bitter Springs is a natural thermal spring where you can have a relaxing swim.  We snorkelled down stream with the current.  The water clear & 34deg.  If you can imagine a deep gully with plants, tree roots(from the above trees) & logs covered in bright green moss, like a rainforest, under  water.  With the motion of the water, the long snake like moss sways back & forth, it was like a fairyland.



Driving out to Roper Bar, the scenery still dry burnt country covered in termite mounds, we let down our tyres as the road deteriorated.


One store only at Roper Bar which had a bit of everything.  We bought Diesel at $2.20 a litre!  We found a nice free camp on the Roper River for 3 nights only, as there was no Barra action.  It was hot during the day,  luckily the river was fresh water & we were able to bucket water over us to keep cool.


We decided to move on to Limmen River fishing camp where it is only 30klms from the gulf, and  is saltwater.  The road was mostly bull dust and corrugations.  We saw some pretty billabongs but looking in the rear view mirror, we could see our semi-clean caravans were quickly getting smothered in dust!  We found a nice spot to camp on the river(away from the messy homestead), open our van door and both Laurel & I cracked it.  Everything was covered in dust!  Not Happy Jan!

Launched the boat again, and this time had success.  Bull sharks, Queen fish, 1 Barra & an 83cm Qld Groper.



Moved on to Butterfly Springs, as we are late in the season there was only a little pool, but it was enough to keep us cool.


We walked around the Lost City early in the morning, too hot any later!



Fingers & toes crossed, as we drove to Borroloola and arrived with no flat tyres.  The road in parts was almost on par with the Gibb River road. 

Stay tuned ,,,,,,,,,,,

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