Saturday 25 August 2012



Snapshot 12 (25-08-2012 6-55 PM)

Crab Claw Island is only an island on a very high tide.  A single dirt track into Crab Claw Island Resort, built in the 1980’s (for a brothel), Rob & Laurel, Justin, Emma with their 3 kids, and us, made Crab Claw our home for the next week.  We launched the boat, set the crab pots every day and fished.  We were lucky enough to have this place all to ourselves for 7 days.  It was hot & humid,  we made good use of the pool.

Emma & Sonny were first to catch a fish, right out the front of the resort on a dead mullet.  90cm Queen Fish!!


We became friendly with the chefs in the restaurant and they spoiled us rotten.  Rob’s Birthday was on the 22nd and Mike caught a Barra, so we went to the restaurant for dinner and the chefs cooked up a feast with our crab & Barra.  It was a 5 star meal for a little price!



Sunrise at Crab Claw.


One morning Mike caught a shark and the chefs served it up, battered with chips wrapped in the old fashioned newspaper, absolutely delicious!  With the chilli sauce the chefs made, the crabs were to die for!



The only thing that bothered us was the sand-flies.  We all look like we have a disease.

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