Wednesday 23 May 2012



Crossing the Tropic of Capricorn, we turned west to Coral Bay.  With just one street lined with 2 Caravan Parks, a hotel and a few shops, it felt like we were on a small island.  Very touristy, and I would say it is worth seeing.  The bay is beautiful, perfect for kids. I would say to byo supplies.  Nothing else to do except swim, snorkel & relax! 


Girls wanted to stay but we were heading to Ningaloo Station and had to make a move.


These enormous termite mounds were everywhere.  We reached the turnoff to head into Ningaloo Station.  Only 28klms of corrugated dirt road.  We decided to let our tyres down and slowly made our way to the homestead.  $80 for 7 days.  Received directions on how to find our campsite no. 25 and off we went.  Another 15klms of slow sandy dirt road, a little drive on the beach and we were finally at our destination(2 hours later)!  We had to bring enough food & water, as there is nothing here, and it’s a 250klm round trip to the next town. 

Just love watching the sun set!


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