Thursday 31 May 2012



7 months ago Kirsty was adamant, “I AM NOT SWIMMING WITH THE WHALE SHARKS!”.  Today, we have never seen her so excited!  She had the biggest smile on her face, which lasted all day! Jade and I were a bit scared.  Boarded the boat, put our wetsuits on and went on our quest to find a whale shark.


2 groups of 10, we spotted a whale shark & within minutes we are in the water, single file behind the instructor.

He says “Face in the water, sharks coming straight for us” and then he is yelling,  “Move out of the way, too close.” 

The shark slowly glides past us and we are swimming as fast as we can to keep up with it, as it  disappears into the deep blue.  We climb back in the boat, find another shark, and the instructor yells “group 2 at the back of the boat now” and like ducks, we waddle as fast as we can and do that same process all over again.  After 8 times in and out of the water, everyone was pretty exhausted but pumped with adrenalin.  It was  unreal! Kirsty & Jade had the best day. The whale sharks are gentle giants with a beautiful skin pattern. 



We have some good video footage, we will post when we have time.  Just so busy……



We left our camp at 8am and didn’t reach the highway till 11.30am.  Arrived in Exmouth an hour later and the cheapest caravan park was $62 a night(that was including a %10 discount too!).  Exmouth is a rip off!  There are 2 IGA’s 50 meters apart, owned by the same person.  Spread out, Exmouth is a tiny country town.  The town water is very salty, which is making our skin sting and our hair snap. There is a new marina at the entrance, with homes made of corrugated iron (so the termites cant eat them), very expensive and if you don’t have a boat or like fishing, there is nothing to do.    We had Jade’s 10th birthday here and decided to stay for the Ningaloo Whale Shark Festival, which was advertised & sounded really good, but was very disappointing.  We could not wait to get out to the Cape Range National Park where we camped at the Osprey campground on the foreshore of the Ningaloo Reef.  We are here for 6 days & it’s only $18 a night for this glorious view!




Good snorkelling spots.  Out the front of our camp there are lots of turtles, so we were able to play & pat them.




This is just around the corner from Turquoise Bay.  The colour of the water is mesmerising.  We are very sad to leave this beautiful place.

P.S.  We did not catch one fish!

Wednesday 23 May 2012



It certainly wont be hard to stay here for a week.  The challenge will be to make our 230 litres of water last 7 days.  This is our campsite.


With 100metres of beach in front of us, we had an awesome ocean view.  Crystal clear, calm water in front, with the reef break 500mts off shore, it is beautiful.  A bit scary for snorkelling but great for swimming. We were able to launch the boat & leave it out the front, safe as houses.  Again, we were amongst locals who have been coming here for over 20 years.  They didn’t hesitate in telling us, we have the best site in the area.


Every morning we go out & catch some yummy squid!



Huey has been kind to us, the weather is perfect!  Mike finally convinced Kirsty to go out to the blue hole & have a fish, maybe spot a reef shark.  He actually caught one & Kirst was cowering in the bow of the boat under a towel, but she said it was the most exciting, scariest thing she’s ever done!





Never get sick of watching the sun go down, but you blink and you miss it!




Crossing the Tropic of Capricorn, we turned west to Coral Bay.  With just one street lined with 2 Caravan Parks, a hotel and a few shops, it felt like we were on a small island.  Very touristy, and I would say it is worth seeing.  The bay is beautiful, perfect for kids. I would say to byo supplies.  Nothing else to do except swim, snorkel & relax! 


Girls wanted to stay but we were heading to Ningaloo Station and had to make a move.


These enormous termite mounds were everywhere.  We reached the turnoff to head into Ningaloo Station.  Only 28klms of corrugated dirt road.  We decided to let our tyres down and slowly made our way to the homestead.  $80 for 7 days.  Received directions on how to find our campsite no. 25 and off we went.  Another 15klms of slow sandy dirt road, a little drive on the beach and we were finally at our destination(2 hours later)!  We had to bring enough food & water, as there is nothing here, and it’s a 250klm round trip to the next town. 

Just love watching the sun set!


Tuesday 15 May 2012



At last we found a cheap campsite, where we are happy to sit for a week and save some money. Overlooking the water, Mike can launch the boat and we can swim and snorkel around the shallow reef.  There is an abundance of fish, ranging in all sizes and colours.  The water is warm but that southerly cool wind is still with us!                Quite a big Tailor!






Over half the coral is dead due to the Europeans standing on it.  I am surprised there is no sign on the beach.  Where as fishing rules here are very strict.  Luckily, Mike is onto it!  With a howling southerly, we decided to pack up early & head back to Carnarvon.  Restocked, I managed some retail therapy, caught up on what's happening around the world and vacated the next morning.

Six months down, we feel we are losing the grip on our $800 a week budget, here in WA,  

Driving long distances between places, fuel is essential and expensive all the way!

Food bill has risen $50 a week, thank god for Woolworths liquor, we can still find cheap drink!

The caravan parks are $50 a night(kids $8-$10 extra)

Why not hide the kids? I hear you say.  As soon as we stop, they run, scream, jump and play!

Luckily we have Zachary, (Kirsty named our van).  Fully loaded, we last 4-5 days with the 4 of us.

It’s Mikes job to empty the toilet, he does a great job!  He complains every single time, we girls just look at him, smile & nod.

We all have our moments, I’m sure you would agree.  Living with 4 in a little caravan, it’s not that easy!

You might think, ‘I couldn’t do that every day,” But when you find that perfect spot, it’s here you will want to say!

As Mike sits in his camping chair, warming in the sun, he yells to me “Beer wifey?”. 

“That was so good, I’m gunner have another one!”

Thursday 10 May 2012



Kalbarri - rugged, rich, red rock.  Spectacular deep gorges that look like the earth has just opened up.  Unfortunately the weather was overcast, so the colours were not as good as they should be.





Jakes Point.

8/05/12  Shark Bay – After 4hrs of  boring driving we arrived at Goulet Bluff.  This is one of 4 beach side camping spots.  We had this beautiful beach all to ourselves. 



Mike caught 2 snapper and a shovel nose shark. The only problem with this area is, it’s a long drive in and you are only allowed to stay 1 night on the beaches, which was very disappointing.


Girls dressing up in my clothes & make-up, doing a fashion show for us.

Thursday 3 May 2012



After 5 new tyres, car and van service, and a windscreen repair, we were eager to leave the big smoke and head for(what people have been telling us), the best part of Australia!  The Mines are obviously paying off because the infrastructure is incredible.  Stopped off at The Pinnacles, which were pretty cool.


Driving on the open road, national park on the east side of us and the sun glistening on the ocean to the west, we are in our comfort zone once again.  Found a good camp on a beach for $15 a night, set up and watched the sun set. 

2/04/12  Our 14th Wedding Anniversary!  Yes, he did remember.  The girls are back into school again and it is certainly easier this term.  Kirsty has just the one teacher with two less subjects, it is a lot less stressful for us. Jade is still the same. Aghhhhhhh.
