Monday 12 March 2012




09/03/12  6.30am Mike & I boarded the Calypso Star for a Shark Cage Dive.  The day was magic, no wind or swell.  2 hours later (after a yummy brekkie & morning tea) we anchored at the Neptune Islands.  This boat is allowed to burly up to attract the sharks, so with a nice bloodied mixture streaming out the back of the boat, it took minutes for the first 3 metre Great White shark to cruise along the side of the boat.  They lowered the cage into the water.  6 people in the cage for about 45 mins each time.  About 5 Great Whites came, attacking the baits, with the biggest at 5 mts.  He was massive!  It was adrenaline plus and  Mike even caught some fish.  We had a fantastic day.




Will post some video soon.

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